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26 March 2015 No 420




 Innovation Spotlight






EIT budget cut is ‘not money lost for innovation’, says Education Commissioner
Speaking at the Science|Business Horizon 2020 conference, Tibor Navracsics defends controversial plans to tap the EU innovation budget, and spoke on the importance of Marie Curie grants for researchers




Views of 2030: Transport, health, manufacturing and education
A new Science|Businesss Network report looks towards future trends in four key sectors



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 EU Highlights






EU science programme opens doors to Ukraine
Ukrainian researchers and companies to be admitted to Horizon 2020 after deal last week




New classification of roles aims to reduce contributor disputes in open science
Wellcome Trust has supported moves promote collaboration and sharing of data by ensuring everyone gets the credit they deserve




R&D Commissioner tells UK’s top scientists to cherish EU membership
Carlos Moedas met the great and good of British science this week, delivering a speech at the Royal Society in which he called on researchers to support UK membership of the EU.



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Horizon 2020 should focus on the overall system for delivering healthcare, experts say
A Science|Business Network Brief




How natural materials can be patent protected
Limpet teeth have overtaken spider silk as the world’s strongest natural material. As attempts are made to replicate and put this material to use, it is important to look to the IP strategy, say patent attorneys Ben Dempster and Jennifer Unsworth



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 Upcoming Events






Financing SMEs and growth (Date to be confirmed)
A Science|Business public conference
Brussels – 2 June 2015




The Role of Science in Policymaking (Date to be confirmed)
A high-level dinner debate on the best approaches to deal with a changing and evolving science and knowledge environment.
Brussels – Date to be confirmed



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Innovation in Progress



King's awarded £10m for world-leading Hub for Neuropsychiatry Imaging Research and Therapeutics



ESADE and Banco Santander reinforce their commitment to entrepreneurship and launching business ideas



INSEAD: Professional experiences abroad make you more creative



Climate-KIC: Move from individual projects to challenge-led programmes to maximise Europe’s low carbon activities



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Will failed Horizon 2020 applicants get a second chance?



Sparks fly between Commissioners



EU-funded motion sensor gives more autonomy to Parkinson’s patients




 Featured Reports






Views of 2030: Transport, manufacturing, education and health
In October 2014, members of the Science|Business Network of universities and companies met in Berlin to compare notes about the future…





Fixing the system: Horizon 2020 should focus on the overall system for delivering healthcare, experts say
Across the European Union, healthcare authorities are striving to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their delivery systems.





BIG SCIENCE: What’s It Worth?
The world spends millions a year on telescopes, synchrotrons, colliders, DNA databases and other ‘big science’ projects.





From Open Science to Open Innovation
This paper highlights the need for developing appropriate new open innovation institutions, to help bridge this gap from open science to…





From Open Science to Open Innovation
This paper highlights the need for developing appropriate new open innovation institutions, to help bridge this gap from open science to…




Science Business

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