Invitation to the brokerage event ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Clean Environment for a Healthy Life’

Προς τις Γραμματείες των Τμημάτων

  • Χημείας
  • Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών
  • Χημικών Μηχανικών
  • Πολιτικών Μηχανικών
  • Μηχανικών Χωροταξίας και Ανάπτυξης
  • Γεωλογίας
  • Γεωπονίας
  • Δασολογίας και Φυσικού Περιβάλλοντος
  • Βιολογίας
  • Οικονομικών Επιστημών

Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι,

Σας προωθούμε την παρακάτω ηλεκτρονική αλληλογραφία από το δίκτυο Rectors’ Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans, του οποίου είμαστε μέλη, σχετικά με τη διοργάνωση  συνεδρίου με τίτλο: ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Clean Environment for Healthy Life’,  που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2025 στη Σλοβενία.

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία υποβολής αιτήσεων είναι η 15η Οκτωβρίου 2024.

Παρακαλούμε για ενημέρωση τυχόν ενδιαφερομένων ερευνητών του Τμήματός σας.

Με εκτίμηση,

Έλσα Λαζαρίδου

Τμήμα Διεθνών Σχέσεων

Τηλ: 2310 991341



——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: Invitation to the brokerage event ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Clean Environment for a Healthy Life’, Ljubljana, 13 February 2025
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 06:29:27 +0000
From: UL, SEE-WB <>


Dear members of the Rectors’ Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans,


Please find below information about the brokerage event ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Clean Environment for Healthy Life’, which will take place on 13 February 2025 in Ljubljana.


Registration is open until 15 October 2024.


We kindly ask you to forward this information to the relevant offices and colleagues.



Katja Cerar

on behalf of the Secretariat of the Rectors’ Forum for Southeast Europe and the Western Balkans



Dear colleagues at the Western Balkan universities,


We would like to inform you about an upcoming brokerage event organized by University of Ljubljana (KRPAN NOO project) that is scheduled for 13 February 2025. The event is addressing the theme ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Clean Environment for a Healthy Life. It is designed for researchers actively engaged in research project applications for centralized European Union programs. It provides a unique opportunity for networking with Slovenian and international research organizations and companies.

Additional details about the event are available on the website.


We invite interested researchers from Western Balkan universities to attend this brokerage event and present their project ideas for European research project applications with a 3-minute pitch at the event. Registration for short presentations of project ideas is open until 15 October 2024. Register here. The number of pitches is limited, and a final selection will be made in the event of a high volume of applications. We anticipate notifying all applicants of their selection status by 12 November 2024.

The participation at the event is free of charge.


Thank you for considering this opportunity, and we look forward to your potential participation in this collaborative initiative.




The event is organized within the framework of the project KRPAN – Strengthening Research Support and Activities for Progress in European Research Projects, co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, and the European Union – NextGenerationEU.


Kind regards,


Lori Slivnik v imenu projekta KRPAN / on behalf of KRPAN project


  mag. Lori Slivnik
Samostojni strokovni delavec VII/2 (I) – za podporo prijavam na centralizirane evropske projekte

Research Support Advisor

T: +38612418696
University of Ljubljana
Univerzitetna služba za raziskovalno dejavnost

University Office for Research

Kongresni trg 12, 1000 Ljubljana | Facebook | Instagram | Linkedin






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