Προσαρμογή Προτιμήσεων Συναίνεσης

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Departments of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Call for Applications to MSc: «Application of Endoscopic Surgical Techniques in Gynecology»


The Departments of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki are launching for the second year a Master of Science (MSc) in “APPLICATION OF ENDOSCOPIC SURGICAL TECHNIQUES IN GYNECOLOGY”.

Duration of studies
The MSc lasts 1 full academic year (2 academic semesters including the summer) and the students will complete a 75-ECTS program.

English language
To ensure an international group of distinguished tutors and an international class of fellow students, all modules are held in English. The MSc Thesis is also written in English.

Prospective Students
Potential students include: Medical Doctors as well as all other graduates from a health-related undergraduate program. In addition, the MSc committee will consider and decide upon applications from BSc holders from other non-healthcare studies.

Number of Enrolments
The maximum number of accepted students is set to thirty (30) students.
The MSc committee will re-consider the maximum number of accepted students based on the number of applications received.

Prospective students should apply for this MSc from 2nd June 2022 up to 31st December 2022. The candidates should email their application along with their detachments to the Secretary of the MSc: pmsi.auth@gmail.com and alkaragi@auth.gr

List of detachments:
1)Application (available from https://www.med.auth.gr), https://endoscopicsurgery-auth.gr/site/
2) Bachelor / MSc / PhD / other degree(s) and Recognition Degree from DOATAP/ΔΟΑΤΑΠ (if needed)
3) Academic transcript with a list of all grades received of undergraduate studies and (if applicable) the final grade.
4) Recently updated Curriculum Vitae, with details about education, training, work experience, academic publications and academic achievements
5) Letter of Intent detailing the research interests along with the reasons of selecting this MSc program.
6) Proof of competency in English language. Least applicable/admissible level: C1. In addition: All other certificates at any level of languages other than English.
7) Photocopy of personal ID or passport with personal details or an equivalent state-issued document.
8) If available: proofs of any research activity (research papers, presentations in congresses, etc.), participation in a student mobility program, as well as professional experience related to the field of the MSc
9) If available: reference letters written in English and referring to the MSc candidacy

Fees are set to four (4.000) thousand Euro in total and are paid in two (2) equally divided installments (the first at the time of the enrolment and the second at the beginning of the second semester).

Additional Information
Secretary of the MSc, tel: +30 2310 999338 (hours: 10:30 am – 13:30 pm.
Website of the Department of Medicine: https://www.med.auth.gr https://endoscopicsurgery-auth.gr/site/

The Head of the Department of Medicine                                  The Head of the MSc

Kyrikos Anastasiadis                                                                  Angelos Daniilidis

Professor of Cardiac Surgery                                                     Associate Professor of Obstetrics – Gynecology


Sopot International Youth Conference 2025

Πρόσκληση Εκδήλωσης Ενδιαφέροντος για Κοινά Προγράμματα μεταξύ ΑΠΘ και Βουλγαρικής Ακαδημίας Επιστημών

JRC 2025 doctoral partnership call open

Προκήρυξη για συμμετοχή Πρόγραμμα Θερινών Σπουδών για την Ινδονησία του University of Airlangga, Indonesia (25-29 Αυγούστου 2025)

Πρόσκληση υποβολής αιτήσεων για συμμετοχή σε πρόγραμμα σπουδών σε συνεργασία με ξένα πανεπιστήμια