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EUA Newsletter 2 – 2017



Προς τις Γραμματείες όλων των Τμημάτων του Α.Π.Θ.


Σας πληροφορούμε ότι στην ηλεκτρονική εφημερίδα της 27ης Ιανουαρίου 2017, της EUA (European University Association), στην οποία το Α.Π.Θ. είναι μέλος, έχουν ανακοινωθεί τα τελευταία νέα της (εκδηλώσεις, προκηρύξεις, ανακοινώσεις, κ.τ.λ.)


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From: EUA Info [mailto:info@eua.be]
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 10:49 AM
To: Helen Bahtsavanopoulou – Kotsaki
Subject: EUA Newsletter 2 – 2017






EUA Newsletter 2 | 27/1/2017





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New EUA review on EFSI and Horizon 2020: Efficiency and opportunity cost

EUA has published a new review on the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) focused on its relationship with Horizon 2020 from the perspective of programme efficiency and opportunity cost.

EU_Funding_LogoThe review is based on an analysis of various conclusions and opinions issued by the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, the European Court of Auditors, and other stakeholders in late 2016. The analysis exposes some worrying trends linked to the potentially overrated efficiency and effectiveness of public investment through EFSI, the lost opportunity for other key RDI programmes such as Horizon 2020 and various side effects including geographical imbalances in investment into regional development. EFSI’s capacity to engage all RDI stakeholders in collaborations is also questioned given the fact that universities across Europe are not allowed to or are restricted from borrowing money (see “One year of EFSI: What's in it for universities? An EUA review," June 2016). 

While the long-term impact of EFSI is still to be seen and documented, its immediate implications can already be felt by the university sector. The creation of EFSI and the Guarantee Fund has limited the budgetary flexibility in the 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework and reduced the planned financial allocations for Horizon 2020 by €2.2 billion. Any decrease in the budget of Horizon 2020 directly affects the programme's efficiency and funding rates. The recent EUA member consultation on Horizon 2020 revealed that even top proposals cannot be funded because of the limited call budgets, whereas the total application costs may go as high as 30 to 50% of the distributed budget. Therefore, the opportunity cost of EFSI must not ignore a waste of research ideas and resources under Horizon 2020.

EUA has tabled a series of policy messages and actions aimed at improving the efficiency of Horizon 2020 based on its member consultation. Sufficient and sustainable funding to the Framework Programme (FP) is fundamental to this process. Therefore, the funds diverted from Horizon 2020 to EFSI must be re-invested into the FP grants, which have already successfully proven to be a high-impact pathway to knowledge-based growth and development in Europe.





Policy and Projects News

Horizon 2020 and FP9: EUA policy dialogue with Commissioner Carlos Moedas

At the EUA Council meeting on 27 January 2017 in Brussels, the Association will hold a special policy dialogue on the future of Horizon 2020 and the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9). Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, will participate in the discussion, along with other key voices.
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Open Science: EUA discusses big deal negotiations, text and data mining and open data

The EUA High-Level Group on “big deals” with scientific publishers and the Expert Group on Science 2.0/Open Science met in Brussels on 12 and 13 January 2017 to discuss negotiations with large publishers, text and data mining (TDM) and open research data.
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Theresa May’s Brexit speech: EUA applauds focus on science, research and innovation

Despite its regret about the UK leaving the EU, EUA is pleased that UK Prime Minister Theresa May explicitly highlighted science, research and innovation in a much anticipated speech on Brexit given from London on 17 January 2017.   
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Events News

EUA-CDE ethics and integrity workshop draws record attendance

The EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) organised its 10th thematic workshop, “Ethics and Integrity in Doctoral Education and Research Training,” on 18 and 19 January 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal. Hosted by the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, the event saw the largest attendance in CDE history with 138 participants from 87 higher education and research institutions from 25 European countries.
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4th UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event: Registration open

Registration is now open for the 4th UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event. Hosted by Imperial College London, the event “Universities in the Energy Transition: Focus on Sustainable Transport and Carbon Capture, Storage & Use” will take place on 27 and 28 March 2017.
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Members and Partners News






4th UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event
Hosted by Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
27-28 March 2017

EUA 2017 Annual Conference
Hosted by University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
6-7 April 2017

Fourth Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education
Hosted by Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco
24 – 26 April 2017

All events




EFSI and Horizon 2020: Efficiency and Opportunity Cost – An EUA Review


EUA CDE Bulletin: On the Cutting Edge of Research – the Open Access Challenge


EUA Membership Consultation 2016: A Contribution to the Horizon 2020 Mid-term Review


EUA Brexit Factsheet: UK – European Research Collaboration and Student Mobility


Roadmap for European Universities in Energy

All publications


EUA Services


Institutional Evaluation Programme

Council for Doctoral Education


EUA Solutions

EUA Campaigns



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Next newsletter: 10 February 2017

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