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EUA Newsletter 4 – 2016

We inform you that the online newspaper of  EUA (European University Association) of March 4, 2016, in which Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is a member, has announced the latest news (events, notices, announcements, etc.). For more information you can visit the website: 






From: EUA Info [mailto:info@eua.be]
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2016 3:21 PM
To: Helen Bahtsavanopoulou – Kotsaki
Subject: EUA Newsletter 4 – 2016






EUA Newsletter 4 | 04/03/2016





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EUA launches Refugees Welcome Map

Refugees Welcome MapIn response to Europe’s refugee crisis, EUA presented the Refugees Welcome Map on 29 February 2016. Scholars, researchers, students and university staff are among the thousands of people who have been forced to flee their countries. The Refugees Welcome Map demonstrates in an interactive way how higher education institutions all over Europe are responding by engaging them and assisting them in continuing their studies, research and academic careers.

“Access to higher education can be key in integrating refugees,” says Michael Gaebel, EUA Higher Education Policy Unit Director. “Staff can continue to work and, by gaining qualifications, students and prospective students will find better jobs and build a better future for themselves. Furthermore, a qualified person enjoys more social mobility, and would also be in a much better position to return home one day.”

Higher education institutions from Europe and beyond have responded. The Refugees Welcome Map currently contains data on more than 100 initiatives including universities’ efforts in offering bridging and language courses, providing information on study and employment opportunities, supporting refugees at local reception centres and organising cultural and integration activities. 

EUA hopes that by showcasing the initiatives, they might serve as examples to others and even facilitate collaboration. In fact, the map is designed to put users in direct exchange with the featured institutions and organisations. In addition, the survey will remain open for input and EUA will continuously update the map with new data as it arrives from institutions and organisations in Europe and from abroad.

EUA will present the initial findings of the map in a webinar on 23 March 2016 at 14.00 CET. Representatives of featured universities and institutions will discuss the map and their individual initiatives. 

Refugees Welcome MapTo browse the EUA Refugees Welcome Map, please click here.
To fill in the online survey and showcase your initiative, please click here
Information on the webinar will be made available on the EUA events webpage.





Policy And Projects News

EUA responds to Modernisation Agenda consultation

EUA has responded on behalf of its members to the consultation on the revision of the Modernisation Agenda with a statement sent to the EC on 29 February 2016.
EUA welcomes the revision and considers it timely given the progress made by universities since 2011, and in light of new challenges facing Europe and European universities.

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EUA participates in new ET2020

The first meeting of the new Education and Teaching 2020 (ET2020) working groups kicked off on 22 February 2016. Notably, it was the first time stakeholder organisations, including EUA, were invited to join some of the groups.
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EUA partner in MIMIR project 

EUA is taking part in a new project entitled “Modernisation of Institutional Management of Innovation and Research in Southern Neighbouring Countries (MIMIR)”. The initiative, which will focus primarily on Morocco and Jordan, held its first meeting at the University of Barcelona in Spain on 29 February 2016.
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Have your say on Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+: deadline extended

EUA has prolonged the deadline to take part in the member consultation on the Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ programmes. Members now have until Thursday, 31 March 2016 to send their responses.
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Update on Recognition of Professional Qualifications

EUA monitors developments on the EU’s legal framework for professional qualifications and has published its 14th update on the topic.
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Events News

SHARE Policy Dialogue – Degree Structures and Learning Outcomes in ASEAN 

The 2nd Policy Dialogue of the European Union Support to Higher Education in ASEAN Region (SHARE) project took place in Bangkok, Thailand from 24 to 25 February 2016. The theme of the event was “Placing Students at the Centre: The Role of Degree Structures and Learning Outcomes in ASEAN”.
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1st UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event: Universities enhancing their role in the energy transition

Around 100 participants from 22 countries gathered in Trondheim, Norway from 24 to 26 February 2016 to take part in the 1st UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event. Entitled "Human resources and new knowledge to build the future energy system", the event took place at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). It was organised jointly by EUA, KU Leuven and NTNU.
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Third Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education

The Third Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education (AECHE) will be held from 25 to 27 May 2016 at the University of Barcelona in Spain. The event will focus on opportunities and challenges for Arab and European universities in fulfilling their societal mission.
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Members and Partners News






EUA Webinar: “Refugees Welcome Map”
23 March 2016

EUA Annual Conference 2016
Hosted by the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
7-8 April 2016

EQUIP Webinar: "Implications of the new focus on learning and teaching in the ESG 2015"
13 April 2016

All events




EUA’s Response to the Consultation on the Revision of the EU’s Modernisation Agenda (Summary Statement)


EUA Statement on Copyright Framework


EUA Roadmap on Open Access to Research Publications


University Leaders' Perspectives: Governance and Funding


Principles and Practices for International Doctoral Education

All publications


EUA Services


Institutional Evaluation Programme

Council for Doctoral Education


EUA Solutions

EUA Campaigns



European University Association (EUA)




 EUA on LinkedIn

EUA Secretariat
About EUA



Next newsletter: 18 March 2016

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