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EUA Newsletter 5 – 2016


We inform you that the online newspaper of  EUA (European University Association) of March 18, 2016, in which Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is a member, has announced the latest news (events, notices, announcements, etc.). For more information you can visit the website: 






From: EUA Info [mailto:info@eua.be]
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 3:24 PM
To: Helen Bahtsavanopoulou – Kotsaki
Subject: EUA Newsletter 5 – 2016






EUA Newsletter 5 | 18/03/2016





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UK university leaders and scientists mobilise against Brexit

Ahead of the referendum on UK membership in the EU planned for 23 June 2016, university leaders and many scientists in the UK are mobilising against the so-called Brexit.

In a recent open letter more than 150 eminent scientists, such as the well-known theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, argue that leaving the EU could be “a disaster for science”. They explain that the EU has boosted UK science in two crucial ways, first through the funding programmes where the UK has a competitive edge and second through the free movement of labour that facilitates the recruitment of talented researchers from across Europe who might go to UK institutions with an EU grant. The full letter can be found here

Since the summer of 2015, Universities UK has run a campaign under the motto “Universities for Europe”. The aim is to show the value of the EU for research and education in the UK and to foster a public debate with all sides. For this purpose universities are hosting a series of events and panel discussions with participants who are against or in favour of Britain leaving the EU. They are also engaging with other European partners outside the UK and discussing the potential impact of a Brexit on European Higher Education. For instance, one event will take place at the University of London Institute in Paris on 15 April 2016. More information can be found on the campaign website.

EUA strongly supports Universities UK in its campaign. “Universities are essential in shaping our future. There is no great future for either a Europe without the UK or a UK outside Europe,” argues EUA President Rolf Tarrach. “They would have no chance of competing successfully in our quickly developing world. A united European knowledge society would be a major source of wisdom and savoir faire for the whole planet; a split Europe would cut a pathetic figure.”





Policy and Projects News

Access to Research Infrastructures: Charter gives priority to Open Science

On 10 March 2016, the European Commission presented the updated version of "The Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures" on the occasion of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures in Amsterdam.
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EUA-CDE news

In the second half of 2016, four members of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) will step down and be replaced by new members. Included in these is Melita Kovacevic, former Vice-Rector of the University of Zagreb, who has chaired the Steering Committee for the past four years.
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EQUIP project: learn more about ESG 2015

One aim of the "Enhancing Quality through Innovative Policy and Practice" (EQUIP) project is to offer quality assurance (QA) practitioners opportunities to learn about the changes in QA that are currently taking place in Europe. This spring the project consortium is organising a series of events with this aim in mind.
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Events News

CDE Annual Meeting: call for presentations

The EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) has published a call for presentations for its Annual Meeting which will take place at the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona, Spain in June 2016.
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EQAF 2016: call for contributions 

A call for contributions is now open for the 11th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF), which will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 17 to 19 November 2016.
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Call for presentations for AECHE 3 Conference

EUA and the Association of Arab Universities (AAU), together with the University of Barcelona, are pleased to publish a call for presentations for the third Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education (AECHE 3).
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EUA webinar: Refugees welcome

Many universities, academic organisations and networks are committed to welcoming refugee students and researchers. EUA will host a webinar on this issue on 23 March 2016 at 14.00 CET featuring participants of its Refugees Welcome Map campaign.
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Members and Partners News






EUA Webinar: “Refugees Welcome Map”
23 March 2016

EUA Annual Conference 2016
Hosted by the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
7-8 April 2016

EQUIP Webinar: "Implications of the new focus on learning and teaching in the ESG 2015"
13 April 2016

All events




EUA’s Response to the Consultation on the Revision of the EU’s Modernisation Agenda (Summary Statement)


EUA Statement on Copyright Framework


EUA Roadmap on Open Access to Research Publications


University Leaders' Perspectives: Governance and Funding


Principles and Practices for International Doctoral Education

All publications


EUA Services


Institutional Evaluation Programme

Council for Doctoral Education


EUA Solutions

EUA Campaigns



European University Association (EUA)




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Next newsletter: 4 April 2016

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