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EUA Newsletter 7 – 2016

 We inform you that the online newspaper of  EUA (European University Association) of  April  15, 201, in which Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is a member, has announced the latest news (events, notices, announcements, etc.). For more information you can visit the website: 







EUA Newsletter 7 | 15/04/2016





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University leaders discuss digitalisation at EUA Annual Conference

Michael D. Higgins, EUA Annual Conference 2016EUA held its biggest networking conference – the annual conference – at the National University of Ireland (NUI) in Galway from 7 to 8 April 2016. Under the theme “Bricks and clicks for Europe: building a successful digital campus”, more than 300 university leaders took part in discussions on digital technologies and their impact on the higher education sector, including university staff and students.

Michael D. Higgins, EUA Annual Conference 2016In a major highlight, the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, opened the event with a speech pointing to both opportunities and challenges presented by the use of technology. President Higgins strongly emphasised the crucial role of education in our societies considering Europe’s current political and intellectual crisis. “It is through the encouragement of creative and free thinking that our universities acquired their status in the past, and correctly claim it today as unique institutions that accept the responsibility of enabling and empowering citizens to participate fully and effectively at all levels of society,” said Higgins. 

Another important contribution came from Ireland’s digital ambassador, Lord David Puttnam, former Chancellor of the Open University in the UK, who gave a speech observing that change is taking place bottom up – through new approaches promoted by students and teachers – rather than top down. Lord Puttnam posed the question of what should be digitalised in the educational process, and how best to use digitalisation to enhance teaching and improve educational outcomes. 

The conference provided a unique opportunity for representatives of European universities to share their experiences on how to foster innovation and use digital technology to manage change and improve learning and teaching. It also produced a rich array of outcomes.

“While EUA has included the theme of digitalisation in many of its projects and events in the past, this is the first time we have exclusively dedicated ourselves to this theme,” said Lesley Wilson, EUA Secretary General. “And the outcomes are abundant. For example, participants confirmed that universities have embraced blended learning and online education in recent years. They also confirmed the impact of digitalisation on the research process, and the importance of ongoing discussions on open access and open science.” 
Participants also discussed how to promote digitalisation at the institutional, national and European levels. Many speakers and delegates addressed the need for more interinstitutional collaboration and sharing, and participants reflected on how national and European level initiatives could help enhance digitalisation. 

The annual conference also featured institutional case studies on digitalisation in relation to learning and teaching, research and open science and outreach to society. Finally, a hot topic session dedicated to the important theme of university mergers in Europe was scheduled as a post conference event, that proved to be very popular among members from all across Europe.

To read the speech by President Michael D. Higgins, please click here.

For complete information, including the programme and presentations, please visit EUA’s event page.

For additional conference content, please visit EUA’s page on Scoop.it!

Comments and reactions to the event can be seen on Twitter under the hashtag #EUA2016Galway

Photo ©NUI





Policy and Projects News

Academic freedom under pressure in Turkey: EUA statement of solidarity with universities and scholars

EUA expresses solidarity with universities and scholars where academic freedom is under pressure, especially in Turkey where there are reports of retaliation against academics who have expressed their views on military action in south-eastern Turkey. EUA stands up for university values and calls on all governments, universities and scholars, as well as all higher education stakeholders to remain committed to the internationally recognized principles of academic freedom and to work towards constructive dialogue.
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EUA publication: Universities promoting regional innovation across Europe

In early April 2016, EUA published a report focusing on the contribution of universities to regional development and innovation.
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Third edition of U-Multirank launched

The U-Multirank consortium presented its third and largest edition of the U-Multirank university ranking on 4 April 2016. The latest edition provides an overview of more than 1 300 higher education institutions from more than 90 countries, with almost 60% located in Europe.
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EUA Council approves new members

During its meeting in Galway, Ireland on 6 April, the EUA Council approved four new membership applications.
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Events News

EUA Webinar: The way forward for Doctoral Education

On 27 April 2016 at 14.00 CEST, EUA will host a webinar on “The way forward for Doctoral Education”.
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Brussels News

Dutch Presidency issues Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science

On the occasion of the two-day conference “Open Science – From Vision to Action” organised by Dutch State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science Sander Dekker as part of the Netherlands EU Presidency, the “Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science” was released on 6 April 2016.
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EC info day on health, demographic change and wellbeing in Horizon 2020

On 8 July 2016, the Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission will organise an info day in Brussels on the calls for proposals focused on health, demographic change and wellbeing under the societal challenges pillar of Horizon 2020.
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Members and Partners News






EUA Webinar
The way forward for Doctoral Education
27 April 2016

Third Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education
Hosted by the University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
25-27 May 2016

9th EUA-CDE Annual Meeting
Hosted by Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain
16-17 June 2016

All events




Academic freedom under pressure in Turkey: EUA statement of solidarity with universities and scholars


RIS3 Workshop Report "Universities Promoting Regional Innovation across Europe"


EUA Response to the New Skills Agenda Issues Paper


EUA’s Response to the Consultation on the Revision of the EU’s Modernisation Agenda (Summary Statement)


EUA Statement on Copyright Framework

All publications


EUA Services


Institutional Evaluation Programme

Council for Doctoral Education


EUA Solutions

EUA Campaigns



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Next newsletter: 29 April 2016

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