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EUA Newsletter 8 – 2016


We inform you that the online newspaper of  EUA (European University Association) of April 29, 2016, in which Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is a member, has announced the latest news (events, notices, announcements, etc.). For more information you can visit the website: 







EUA Newsletter 8 | 29/04/2016





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European Innovation Council: EUA’s response to call for ideas

EUA published its response to the European Commission (EC) call for ideas on “Designing a European Innovation Council” on 29 April 2016. 

In order to answer the call, launched in February 2016, EUA held a consultation with its university members and its Research Policy Working Group. After analysing the results, EUA stresses in its response that the main mission of a European Innovation Council (EIC) should be the enhancement of Europe’s competitiveness and the creation of jobs for the benefit of society. EUA also stresses that an EIC should take into account the strong relation between investment in research-based innovation, investment in the development of highly-skilled workers and the resulting economic and social innovation. 

EUA’s main views and recommendations for an EIC are:

  • An EIC would be most useful as an advisory and coordinating body, integrating all European Commission policies on innovation, and streamlining existing instruments.
  • An EIC should consider all forms of innovation and take a strategic role in advising on European innovation ecosystems. It should also promote excellent, research-based innovation for the benefit of society. 
  • An EIC should not be designed as a funding body. At a time of low public research investment in Europe, it is essential that existing funding allocated to research is preserved.
  • An EIC should involve all relevant stakeholders and have transparent, swift consultations and decision-making processes. It should complement other EU bodies, avoiding overlap. 
  • An EIC could contribute to reinforcing links between education and training, investment in basic research and in innovation. It should also build on existing good practices.

EUA’s response outlines the rationale behind these views and recommendations giving special attention also to the concept of innovation from a university perspective.

To read EUA’s full response to the EC call for ideas on “Designing a European Innovation Council”, please click here.






Policy and Projects News

Taking Salzburg Forward: new EUA-CDE recommendations on doctoral education

The EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) has published a new set of recommendations called “Taking Salzburg Forward – Implementation and New Challenges”.
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Open Science: Expert and High-Level Groups meet at EUA

On 19 and 20 April 2016, EUA hosted two important meetings on Open Science: the High-Level Group on “big deals” with scientific publishers and the Expert Group on Science 2.0/Open Science.
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Registration open for Institutional Evaluation Programme

It is now possible to sign up for the 2016-2017 round of EUA’s Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP). The registration deadline is 5 July.
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Events News

Last chance to register for AECHE 3 event

EUA is pleased to announce that registration is still open for the third Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education (AECHE) that will take place at the University of Barcelona in Spain from 25 to 27 May 2016. The registration deadline is 9 May 2016.
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EUA Webinar: Performance-based funding of Universities

On 25 May 2016, EUA will host a webinar entitled “Performance-based funding of Universities”.
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Brussels News

Philanthropy and social investments to foster research and innovation

On 21 and 22 April the Netherlands EU Presidency organised a conference on philanthropy and social investments in fostering research and innovation hosted by VU University Amsterdam.
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ERC announces winners of Advanced Grants competition

The European Research Council (ERC) awarded €647 million in “Advanced Grants” to 277 senior researchers in April 2016.
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Members and Partners News






Third Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education
Hosted by the University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
25-27 May 2016

EUA Webinar
Performance-based funding of Universities
25 May 2016

9th EUA-CDE Annual Meeting
Hosted by Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain
16-17 June 2016

All events




EUA’s response to the European Commission Call for Ideas on Designing a European Innovation Council


Doctoral Education – Taking Salzburg Forward: Implementation and New Challenges


EUA endorses the Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science


Academic freedom under pressure in Turkey: EUA statement of solidarity with universities and scholars


RIS3 Workshop Report "Universities Promoting Regional Innovation across Europe"

All publications


EUA Services


Institutional Evaluation Programme

Council for Doctoral Education


EUA Solutions

EUA Campaigns



European University Association (EUA)




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Next newsletter: 13 May 2016

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