Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies Fellowships with AUTH’s Department of Classics 2017

Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece

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CHS Fellowships in collaboration with
AUTH’s Department of Classics 2017


Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Philology are pleased to offer jointly up to three Fellowships to Ph.D. holders from AUTH’s Department of Classics, who received their doctorate degree no more than five years ago. The duration of each Fellowship will be 12 months during which the Fellow will complete a semester-long research project in English. 
The Fellowships aim to attract applicants with an academic background strongly related to the discipline of Ancient Greek literature and language. The proposed research may concern any aspect of Ancient Greek Culture approached through any discipline including, but not limited to, anthropology, archaeology, art history, education, history, literary criticism, philology, philosophy, political science, religious studies, sociology, as well as related subfields.

The Fellowship includes:

  • Year-long appointment as CHS-AUTH Fellow in Hellenic Studies.
  • Year-long access to Harvard University’s online databases and resources and to AUTH’s library system.
  • A week-long educational trip to CHS in Washington DC, organized by CHS, to share their findings and collaborate with other Fellows and members of the CHS academic community following the completion of the research project in October.
  • Invitation to pre-publish the outcomes of their research in one of CHS E-Journals.  
  • Invitation to attend the annual CHS-International Olympic Academy (“IOA”) Scholars Symposium in Ancient Olympia.
  • Organization of events in order the Fellows to present their research to students (graduate and undergraduate) of AUTH’s Department of Classics.
  • Office space for the Fellows in AUTH in order to be able to conduct their research on campus. 

A seven-member Selection and Academic Advisory Committee (consisting of four professors nominated by the CHS and three nominated by AUTH’s Department of Classics) evaluates the applications, selects the Fellows and supports their research by providing them academic assistance and advice in their work.
The Selection Committee gives preference to those whose application and cover letter:

  • Outline clearly and in detail how the outcomes of the project will contribute to the body of research and promote further inquiry and engagement both in the fellow’s immediate field and in the humanities in general.
  • Suggest that they would be capable of conducting research of the highest quality and of achieving the proposed outcomes.
  • Propose collaborative, interdisciplinary projects.
  • Indicate that they are comfortable working in an international, multilingual community of scholars doing research primarily in English.

All interested researchers must submit the following by March 16, 2017 Midnight (Eastern European Time) (all documents in English):

  • A detailed, but short research proposal of no more than 1.000 words
  • A full CV 
  • A letter of intent explaining why the candidate should be awarded this fellowship
  • One letter of reference (preferably in English, Greek, French or German), which must be received by March 19th, 2017. Please note that applicants may not write reference letters for other applicants. Additionally, members of the selection committee may not write reference letters.

All material must be submitted electronically, under the following:

After the deadline expires, the committee will evaluate all applications and select the fellows. CHS might contact applicants for additional information during the selection process. Applicants will receive notification of the selection committee’s decision in April 2017.

After the deadline expires, the committee will evaluate all applications and select the fellows. CHS might contact applicants for additional information during the selection process. Applicants will receive notification of the selection committee’s decision in April 2017.

For more information please visit the program’s website.
For questions, please contact Mr. Evangelos Katsarelis, Programs & Events Coordinator, Center for Hellenic Studies (Greece), Harvard University at ekatsarelis@chs.harvard.edu or  +30 27520 47030 (ext. 2).



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