International Virtual Conference on Education, Social and Technological Sciences

EduRe'14 VIRTUAL CONFERENCEMarch 13-14, 2014

Dear Colleague,

Edure’14 is the International Virtual Conference on Education, Social and Technological Sciences ( ALL THE PAPERS ACCEPTED FOR THE CONFERENCE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN INTERNATIONAL PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS:

The International Journal on Advances in Education Research (Journal of the Academy of Education, Social and Technological Sciences)

• Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences


For further information do not hesitate to contact Michael Brown, Coordinator of the Conference:



– V. Lynn Meek, University of Melbourne (Australia). Editor-in-chief of “Studies in Higher Education” (indexed in the Journal Citation Reports JCR).

– Jean Clandinin, University of Alberta (Canada). Editor-in-chief of “Teaching and Teacher Education” (indexed in the Journal Citation Reports JCR).    

-Paul A. Kirschner, Open University of the Netherlands. Editor-in-chief of “Journal of Computer Assisted Learning” (indexed in the Journal Citation Reports JCR). 

-Linda Serra Hagedorn, Iowa State University (USA)

-Rachel Currie-Rubin, Harvard University (USA)

-Kurt J. Engemann, Iona College (New York, USA)         

-Marcelo Alvarado, Florida State University (USA)  

-Keith Kelley, Florida State University (USA)  

-Sabine Hoidn, Harvard University (USA)

-Alberto Cabrera, University of Maryland (USA)     

-Christina Hinton, Harvard University (USA)           

-Urve Venesaar, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)       

-Yejun Xu, Hohai University (China)      

-June Tran, Vietnam National University (Vietnam)         

-Shouzhen Zeng, Zhejiang Wanli Unniversity (China)

-Elisa Cobas Flores, Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico)







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