Latvian State Scholarships for study or research 2019-20 and for Summer Schools

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Σας προωθούμε την παρακάτω ηλεκτρονική αλληλογραφία με το συνημμένο της από την Πρεσβεία της Δημοκρατίας της Λετονίας.
Αφορά ανακοίνωση προκήρυξης υποτροφιών που απευθύνεται σε προπτυχιακούς, μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές, νέους ερευνητές και μέλη ΔΕΠ του ΑΠΘ

Α. Για σπουδές ή έρευνα σε Πανεπιστήμια της Λετονίας (σχετικός διαδικτυακός τόπος:, section Studies and Research), για το ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2019-20.

Β. Για συμμετοχή σε Summer Schools που διοργανώνονται σε διάφορα Πανεπιστήμια της Λετονίας (σχετικός διαδικτυακός τόπος:, section & Summer Schools), για το καλοκαίρι του 2019.

Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι θα μπορούν να υποβάλλουν αίτηση on line από την 1η Φεβρουαρίου έως 1 Απριλίου 2019.

Παρακαλούμε για την ενημέρωση των τυχόν ενδιαφερομένων και για την ανάρτηση της ανακοίνωσης μαζί με το συνημμένο της, στην ιστοσελίδα του Τμήματός σας.

Με τιμή,

Δήμητρα Μεντεκίδου
του Τμήματος Διεθνών Σχέσεων
Πανεπιστημιούπολη, GR 541 24, Θεσσαλονίκη
Τηλ: + 30 2310 996742
Φαξ: + 30 2310 991621

Θέμα:Latvian state study and research scholarships 2019-2020
Ημερομηνία:Wed, 23 Jan 2019 10:01:12 +0000
Από:LATVIA Embassy in Greece <

Greetings from the Embassy of Latvia in Athens!

We are pleased to send you herewith the below letter from the Latvian State Education Development Agency announcing the new application for the Latvian state study and research scholarships.
We are kindly asking you to share and spread this information within your university between students and academic staff.

Kind regards,

Aiga Ūdriņa
Embassy of the Republic of Latvia
Vas.Konstantinou 38, Pagrati, 11635
Phone: (30) 210 7294483
Fax: (30) 210 7294479

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are pleased to offer scholarships for students and academic and research staff of higher education institutions of Hellenic Republic for studies or research in Latvian higher education and research institutions during the academic year 2019/2020 as well as for participation in summer schools organized by Latvian higher education institutions.
The call for applications for the Latvian state study and research scholarships for the academic year 2019/2020 will be open on 1 February 2019. All relevant information is published on the website of the State Education Development Agency (Section Studies and Research). The Application form (to be found on the above mentioned website) and the necessary documents for study or research scholarships for the academic year 2019/2020 should be submitted to the State Education Development Agency via on-line application system, which will be open on 1 February 2019. The application deadline for the Latvian state scholarships for studies and research is 1 April 2019.
The call for applications for the Latvian state summer school scholarships for the summer 2019 will be open on 1 February 2019. Information on summer schools where foreign students and academic staff can participate with the Latvian state scholarship will be published by the 1°February 2019 on the website of the State Education Development Agency (Section Summer Schools). The necessary documents for the summer schools must be sent directly to the organizers of the summer schools and they will inform all the applicants about the results of the scholarship competition. The application deadline for the Latvian state scholarship for summer schools is 1 April 2019.
We kindly ask you to disseminate this information to all the institutions or persons who may be interested in study or research scholarships in Latvia or in participation in summer schools.
For inquiries contact person at the State Education Development Agency is senior specialist Mrs. Marika Pīra, International Cooperation Programme Unit, Management and External Cooperation Department, phone: +371 67814331, e-mail:
Please find the enclosed e-brochure with information about the Latvian state scholarships for the academic year 2019/2020 and for summer schools in Latvia in 2019 (PDF file).
We are looking forward to a successful cooperation!

Ar cieņu
Marika Pīra
Vadības un ārējās sadarbības departamenta
Starptautiskās sadarbības programmu nodaļas vecākā speciāliste
Vaļņu iela 1, 3-5. stāvs, Rīga, LV-1050, LATVIJA
Tālr.: 67814331


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